Praise The Great Whatever

Grateful for whatever few days in the house I have alone, but if it lasts too long I get into fear and worry about money. I was reminded to practice my mantra, More than I need is already here and I have enough to share. The last month helped me break past an internal barrier of not wanting... Continue Reading →

Change Wallow to WE

I took action to get enough information to feel better about a change in direction. Fortunately my real estate advisor is a good friend with a vital professional and financial angle. Complete honesty is easy without feeling embarrassed. She could hear in my voice I don’t sound like myself and I admitted I have been in... Continue Reading →

Evolution of Personal Blogging

Personal Blogging Evolution of blogging has gone far from where it began. I want to honor and respect the original intention of blogs before businesses evolved it to a marketing gimmick and advertising medium. It’s about openly sharing our unique thoughts and experiences, not just writing something clever to promote your business. Well, I don’t have a... Continue Reading →

Allow or Wallow in Depression

Day two the depression fog rolls in, metaphorically and physically. It’s foggy, wet, dreary and dark this morning. I don’t feel like writing, maybe because I wrote a long time yesterday. Browsing past New Year's journal entries as far back as I have digital files, that was enough digging to notice I don’t want to do... Continue Reading →

Pioneer Tears

My first visit to the Rogler Ranch I was eleven years old on a beloved drive in the Flint Hills alone with Dad. He began to slow along Highway 177 in front of the immaculate, white house right before a bridge near the bluff. It had huge two-story colonial columns and a gorgeous, well-kept stone... Continue Reading →

WHAT in the WORLD am I doing!?

Why am I indoors on a gorgeously sunny spring Saturday? I could be hiking the Tallgrass Prairie but instead I am vacuuming the 1894 wood plank library sub-floor of an historic old house. WHY? I enjoy the mindlessness of the work and a special feeling of being a tiny part of the restoration of a grand... Continue Reading →

A Masked World

...With no particular reason, thought or ah-ha, in a moment everything changes yet nothing changes. Somehow I see the whole world in an entirely different way even though it is exactly the same. I simultaneously see it from the same perspective yet from a higher perspective...

Basking In Bliss

After waking up from a dream where I was flying, I basked in the peaceful bliss in bed and remembered this is the same way I felt when I went to sleep. Pam’s session was exactly what we both needed. The end was a wonderful blissful positive state that we recorded so we can both... Continue Reading →

Nothing To Tap On

It’s still brutally cold, near 0°. For a week it’s been like an Alaskan winter with snow on top of snow and no melt in between. I’m not in a good space or a mood to write. I woke up again with TMJ head stuff, and my back is still tense. My massage was mainly... Continue Reading →

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