What To Do Now?

Unexpectedly time has opened up on my calendar. I watch my thoughts around it. I see how old patterns of belief want to grab hold of it and make it into a worry. I know everything is in Divine Order. I have observed the ebb and flow of clients and it’s part of the natural... Continue Reading →

Create More Humor

It may be time to start working on the book again if I take a new approach. Just remember it’s a trance, not real, just my old stuff that I’m going to share with others to help them let go of their old stuff. Plus, I want to make the process more fun by alternating... Continue Reading →

Observe and Change My Program

Thursday I saw my old program and pattern of belief running. I played with it, started to buy into it and almost got sucked in. It is a pattern of feeling like I don’t belong, I’m outside of the group, not part of, not included, left behind, forgotten about and unacknowledged. The first indication was... Continue Reading →

What If I Suspend That Belief?

One reason we are so good at focusing on and practicing the negative is that our educational system has conditioned us to solve problems. Our minds do it automatically so if there is not a problem to solve it looks for one. Whatever it looks for it will find or produce. I notice resistance to... Continue Reading →

Why Am I Not Healed Yet?

I awoke with pain across my lower back. Now what! I tapped so I could get up. I still tap as I write and drink Maple Mocha. My mind/body system knows how to get my attention with similar symptoms that once disabled me. Just because I have pain today doesn’t mean the Fibromyalgia is back.... Continue Reading →

Can’t Help Myself

Walking to school in my early teens I noticed a silent narrative in my thoughts. I still have it because I practice it. We each are the narrator of our lives however we produce it. Maybe it is a monolog, dialog, committee meeting, or we think those voices belong to someone else. We may think we don’t have control over them, but we do.

I see clarity in my holistic Being.

I am not responsible for what anyone else feels, thinks or does. I don’t have that kind of power. I am here to BE Grace, share my experience, strength and hope holistically with the world. I can no longer keep my light under a shroud of silent darkness.

Fear and Resistance

Q. Thank you Grace for your video and your sincere and true way of coming across to us. I want to start tapping regularly. Can you please guide me as to how many times I should_ tap at a stretch? And should I focus on one thing at a time because as I am tapping... Continue Reading →

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