Questions, Judgments and Beliefs

What is this place where I suspend judgments and beliefs? If curiosity is more valuable than passion, at least my questions might move me forward. I stay long in this space of re-evaluating or assessing everything in my life, both internally and externally. The flat emotional plane is necessary for objectivity. Enough of my life... Continue Reading →

Heirlooms of Illusion

Do I write to keep myself company, make a record for memories that fade and distort with time, or to have a conversation with myself in hopes I can find solutions to my problems? Do I just ramble on and download some thoughts since there’s no one to talk to? Are memories just heirlooms of illusion? A... Continue Reading →

Praise The Great Whatever

Grateful for whatever few days in the house I have alone, but if it lasts too long I get into fear and worry about money. I was reminded to practice my mantra, More than I need is already here and I have enough to share. The last month helped me break past an internal barrier of not wanting... Continue Reading →

Imagine Being Human

After only one week of posts I don’t want to abandon the blog completely. I’ve been going through my days, but boring myself. No point in boring others. The idea is being human; let it flow without obligation. Sometimes a flow is suspended or interrupted, diverted for whatever reasons. I won’t force myself into a... Continue Reading →

Technique To Release Pressure

Pressure Release Technique I resist using things that are associated with FEFT and that leads me to explore another technique that works. I often use the karate chop point that they mostly stopped because people associate it with the EFT setup process, “Even though I have this…” It works well for self-acceptance and forgiveness. That is... Continue Reading →

Change Wallow to WE

I took action to get enough information to feel better about a change in direction. Fortunately my real estate advisor is a good friend with a vital professional and financial angle. Complete honesty is easy without feeling embarrassed. She could hear in my voice I don’t sound like myself and I admitted I have been in... Continue Reading →

Evolution of Personal Blogging

Personal Blogging Evolution of blogging has gone far from where it began. I want to honor and respect the original intention of blogs before businesses evolved it to a marketing gimmick and advertising medium. It’s about openly sharing our unique thoughts and experiences, not just writing something clever to promote your business. Well, I don’t have a... Continue Reading →

Allow or Wallow in Depression

Day two the depression fog rolls in, metaphorically and physically. It’s foggy, wet, dreary and dark this morning. I don’t feel like writing, maybe because I wrote a long time yesterday. Browsing past New Year's journal entries as far back as I have digital files, that was enough digging to notice I don’t want to do... Continue Reading →

Pioneer Tears

My first visit to the Rogler Ranch I was eleven years old on a beloved drive in the Flint Hills alone with Dad. He began to slow along Highway 177 in front of the immaculate, white house right before a bridge near the bluff. It had huge two-story colonial columns and a gorgeous, well-kept stone... Continue Reading →

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