What To Do Now?

Unexpectedly time has opened up on my calendar. I watch my thoughts around it. I see how old patterns of belief want to grab hold of it and make it into a worry. I know everything is in Divine Order. I have observed the ebb and flow of clients and it’s part of the natural... Continue Reading →

Create More Humor

It may be time to start working on the book again if I take a new approach. Just remember it’s a trance, not real, just my old stuff that I’m going to share with others to help them let go of their old stuff. Plus, I want to make the process more fun by alternating... Continue Reading →

Take Control of Your Trances

This work is all too serious. My Point of Contact needs to stop taking everything so seriously and I need to help my clients do the same. I am exploring new ways to create laughter in sessions. Laughter is the best medicine and a great trance breaker. I teach Robert’s concept that we are Trance... Continue Reading →

Float In The Moment

Sunday I allowed myself to be and do whatever arose in the moment. I noticed my power to create whatever I wanted and when I finished something simply sit and ask myself, “What do you want to create now?” I wait for the answer to arise without pressure. It’s nice to have a three-day break... Continue Reading →

Keep It Simple

Saturday I knew I wanted to pack and leave OKC as soon as possible so I did. I played with ideas in my head about what to do when I get home? I thought I still needed to sit with myself. As soon as I got home to an empty house all I knew is... Continue Reading →

My Internal Dialogue Creates My Life

Friday was wonderful and full of proof for how my outer world shifts when I change my internal dialogue and perspective. It can be as simple as changing clothes or looking through different glasses. When I change what I hold from lifelong patterns of belief and behavior and how I represent my world, everything and... Continue Reading →

Observe and Change My Program

Thursday I saw my old program and pattern of belief running. I played with it, started to buy into it and almost got sucked in. It is a pattern of feeling like I don’t belong, I’m outside of the group, not part of, not included, left behind, forgotten about and unacknowledged. The first indication was... Continue Reading →

Notice The Subtle Reaction

My zone is more relaxed and in the flow of allowing. I gave myself permission to run errands yesterday morning. Robert is going longer without breaks. By the time I got there it was almost noon when he took the first break, then went another hour before lunch break. I went to evening class after a nice... Continue Reading →

Back To Basics

The sweet zone was elusive, but I’m still good. Yesterday I was tired, bored and sleepy. My zone was mostly neutral. I noticed a couple of judgments and tapped on them. I may need to start doing my own seminars again. I may get distracted telling my stories, but no more and maybe less than... Continue Reading →

FasterEFT Family Dinner

Most of the class went to dinner at Capers. Afterward a newcomer said that she learned more in the last three hours than she did all day. That included my favorite part at the end of class when we practiced the Quick Tap phrases.  We lined up in three sets of two rows and tapped... Continue Reading →

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